The Top 5 Lesser-Known Facts About the Mighty God Odin

Odin, the powerful Norse god of war, wisdom, and poetry, is a figure shrouded in mystery and legend. While many are familiar with his iconic image and tales of valor, there are lesser-known facts about this mighty deity that may surprise you. Let's delve into the top 5 lesser-known facts about the legendary Odin.
1. Odin's Raven Companions
Did you know that Odin is often accompanied by two ravens named Huginn and Muninn? These intelligent birds fly across the world each day to bring him news and information. They symbolize Odin's wisdom and knowledge, making them essential companions in his quest for understanding the universe.
2. The Sacrifice for Wisdom
In Norse mythology, Odin is known for his relentless pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. One lesser-known fact is that Odin sacrificed one of his eyes in exchange for a drink from the Well of Urd, which granted him immense wisdom and foresight. This act symbolizes the lengths Odin was willing to go to acquire knowledge.
3. The Eight-Legged Steed
Odin is often depicted riding a majestic eight-legged horse named Sleipnir. This mythical steed is the offspring of Loki, the trickster god, and is known for its incredible speed and strength. Sleipnir serves as Odin's loyal companion and trusted mount in his travels across the realms.
4. The God of Poetry
While Odin is primarily known as a god of war and wisdom, he also holds the title of the god of poetry. Odin is credited with discovering the runes, an ancient writing system used by the Norse people, and is considered the patron of skalds, or poets, who seek inspiration from his creative energy.
5. The Valkyries' Chooser of the Slain
One of Odin's lesser-known roles is that of the Chooser of the Slain. Odin presides over Valhalla, the great hall where fallen warriors are brought after death. He sends his Valkyries to select brave warriors from the battlefield to join him in Valhalla, where they will prepare for Ragnarok, the final battle of the gods.