Yin and Yang Go Beyond Dualities || Plusminusco.com

The popular yin-yang symbol has its origins in the Chinese religion and philosophy, Taoism/Daoism. The yin, the dark swirl, is synonymous with darkness, femininity, and the moon; the yang, the light swirl, stands for growth, passion, and brightness.
Each side has a dot of the opposite color, which gives a clue about its meaning. Sometimes, forces opposite in nature even rely on one another to exist. Yin-yang's role resides in the integration and interplay between the two elements. Day and night alternation is just such an example: Without light there can be no darkness.
The black area's white dot and the black dot in the white area signifies the coexistence and unification of opposites to form a whole. The curvy line indicates that the two opposites has no absolute separation between them.
Just like the yin yang symbol, balance is important in your life. There's a good side and bad side to everything. Under certain circumstances, yin and yang will overlap or interchange, so that they are not usually yin and yang alone. In other words, yin elements can include other parts of yang, and yang can comprise some of the yin components. This balance of yin and yang is perceived to exist in everything.
Yin and yang flows through every aspect in your life from your workspaces, to your home, to your relationships.
These yin yang necklaces are perfect to give to your loved one. So that they may always remember that balance is the key to life.
We may need to learn how to be more dynamic and directed (the yang tendency) in our workplace, or more accepting and open to change (the yin tendency) in our relationships.
Don’t try to see Yin and Yang as a duality. The philosophy behind this is not to see things as good or bad. What is good and bad anyway? This was all created by us. “Positives” can be found in “Negatives” and vice-versa. Nothing is ever good or evil.
Yin energy is related to the element Water. It is sensitive, dynamic, agile, malevolent and appropriate. Yin is all-encompassing and expansive. Yin energy helps one to relax, to "go with the flow" and to be open to the continuous transition of life.
Yang energy is related to the Fire element and is emissive, fast, volatile, hot, dry, and restless energy. It is being contracted and internalized. Getting in contact with yang energy is to be in contact with our ability to fully concentrate mentally and the complex side of our being that wants to accomplish goals. When this aspect is over-emphasized, we can be intensively concentrated in one direction, but lack the larger perspective.
Good and bad alone doesn’t do anything. It’s how they interact with each other that matters. Every good has evil and every evil has good.
Yin becomes Yang and Yang becomes Yin. Night becomes day as day becomes night. The two opposites co-exist no matter how different they are.
Overthinking and over-analysing will only take us further from the universe's flow. Try to give in and let it influence you, instead of manipulating the very order of the universe. Go with the pace. Live it up. Carry it on.