Workout at Home

The pandemic is still going on, and it seems like it is not going away anytime soon. Authorities are asking you to #StayAtHome for a few months now, I'm sure you are super bored in your homes. By staying at home there is only much you can do, doing household chores, surfing the web, cooking, and eating, and eating, and eating. Yikes. You see, when we are bored and we think we've got nothing to do, our mind will make us think that we are hungry and of course cravings will pop out and then we end up eating much more than we used to.
How do we lose the pounds we've gained when we are advised to stay home and most gyms are closed? Well, you can just do cardio without any equipment or yoga, but we all know that ain't enough. Cause y'know, not everybody has a gym equipment at their expense (they're so expensive). But worry not! We have got a solution.
The 9 in 1 Push Up Board with Multifunction Body Building Fitness Exercise Tools Men Women Push-up Stands For Gym Body Training!
This is the perfect tool to stay fit and toned during the pandemic. It's compact and takes up only a small amount of space.
9 in 1 Push Up Board is an innovative color-coded board training system that strengthens and shaping your entire upper body (chest, shoulders, back, and arms), while engaging your total core.This challenging strength and conditioning 10-week program combines push ups with intense calorie-burning cardio, plyometrics, and core exercises for a total body workout. In just 30 minutes a day, you will develop muscles, build upper and lower body strength, burn calories, and lose weight.
It has different color-coded holes that targets specific body muscles to tone.
So even if you cannot hit the gym, you can still stay fit using this portable push-up board. Easy to assemble, store, and use.
Check this product out at Plus Minus Co. and enjoy discounts when you buy one.